Santa Fe-based artist Michael W. Barnard continues to create books, films, photographic montage works known as Photofields, sketchbook journals and, of course, Emanation Fields. He has two albums ( “9 Rainbow Field” and “Field Music”) of his solo acoustic guitar music available on Apple Music and other popular platforms under his full name- Michael Walker Barnard.
Michael was born in Hollywood, California, grew up in Massachusetts and completed high school in the San Francisco Bay Area. He received a BFA in Fine Arts/Painting from the California College of Arts and Crafts in 1967 and an MFA in Fine Arts/Visual Studies from Ft. Wright College in 1969. In 1980 he founded BoltPIX Studios , a boutique production/post-production/fine arts company originally known as Barnard Productions. He has produced award-winning projects of every sort in locations around the world.
Michael has been a lifelong surfer and, despite living in Santa Fe, manages to get in the water on a fairly regular basis.